Our Products are Made in the USA
PowerDerm Kinetic Dermabrasion System
The Only Patented Resurfacing System that delivers 3 complete treatments in 1
Our Dermabrador 'Spins Back Time' With our 1-2-3 Combination of Resurfacing, Cosmeceutical Penetration and Lymphatic Drainage Massage
This Collectively Triggers “88” Additional Responses to The Epidermis, Dermis, and Lymphatic System
Resurfaces the Outer Layer Imperfections of the Epidermis
♦ Triggers Fibroblast Secretion of Collagen & Elastin Stem Cells in the Dermis ♦ Triggers Thickening in Dermis with Dermal Matrix Ground Substance ♦ Triggers Stem Cells in the Basement Membrane of the Epidermis ♦ Regenerates For 48-72 Hours
100% Micro-Molecular Cosmeceutical Penetration of Vitamins & Essential Oils
Pushes 2000% More Blood and Lymphatic Interstitial Fluid than a Hand Massage
♦ Pushes Nutritional Support into Dermis & Epidermis ♦ Detoxes/Flushes Stagnant Decomposing Toxic Cellular Debris, Hormonal Imbalances, and Impurities that degrade and prematurely age the health of the Stem Cells and Skin Organ
Unlike other resurfacing tools in the marketplace, PowerDerm’s Advanced Technology and proven capability to enhance and accelerate the bodies regenerative cellular cycle gives you the ability to perform multiple treatments per week, month after month. Goals are reached sooner. Down-time is eliminated. And the largest most visible organ of the body is exercised like never before.
PowerDerm is designed to give the skin organ a workout. Just like going to the gym 3-5 times per week. The more weeks and longer you workout, the greater the regeneration result.
The goal is to replace the entire Skin Organ with brand new cells over 18-24 treatments removing, replacing, and filling it. Giving you the youngest look you could ever achieve.
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PowerDerm Kinetic Dermabrasion Face & Neck Treatment
"Surgery-Free FaceLift"
"We'll do just about anything to get wrinkle-free skin, but before you botox or try expensive facelifts, you may want to try the latest wrinkle fighter from Spa Girl. It will fill and plump the skin with Collagen and Elastin. It gives the appearance of having a mini-facelift after having one of these treatments."
NBC News, Los Angeles