PowerDerm Lymphatic Drainage Massage Treatment

PowerDerm Kinetic Wave Pulsation Lymphatic Massage

PowerDerm Kinetic Wave Pulsation Lymphatic Massage opens up the tissue passages between Blood Capillaries to Lymphatic Capillaries to Lymph – increasing the blood plasma nutrient flow and the increase of interstitial fluid to cell tissue of the Dermal Matrix Ground Substance and by diffusion, makes all nutrients available to the Epidermis, and balances Hormones and Homeostasis Endocrine Responses.

Glide N' Pump

Double Handed Glide N' Pump PowerDerm Stomach & Pelvic Resurfacing & Lymphatic Drainage Treatment

PowerDerm Pushes 2000% More Lymphatic Interstitial Fluid Than a Hand Massage

PowerDerm Kinetic Dermabrasion with Lymphatic Drainage Massage causes a Massive exchange of plasma into interstitial fluid and into lymph, and assures 100% Optimal availability of all essential nutrients to the Dermis and to the Skin cells above it, and assures the Optimal removal of all pathogens and metabolic waste products.

PowerDerm Massive exchange of plasma

Hyper-Circulation of Blood & Lymphatic Systems

  • Creates Blood Vessel Vasodilation
  • Stimulates Blood Circulation throughout Dermis
  • Stimulates Blood Capillary Plasma Release into Interstitial Fluids

Removal of Interstitial Trash & Pathogens

  • Removes Toxic Cellular Debris
  • Removes Metabolic Cellular Waste & Toxins
  • Removes Dead Skin Cells in the Interstitial Spaces
  • Removes Stagnant Dermal Interstitial Fluids
  • Removes Viral & Bacterial Pathogens
  • Dissolves Unbound Proteins (Cellular Debris)
  • Dissolves Dermal Aceniec Scars – Collagen 5
  • Circulates Lymphocytes (T-Cells) in Blood & Lymphatic Vessels

Balance Hormonal Distribution

  • Distributes Anti-Aging DHEA to improve Collagen, Tone, Wrinkles
  • Distributes Progesterone
  • Distributes Estrogen
  • Distributes Testosterone and Aids Collagen retention in Aged Skin
  • Distributes Peptide Hormone Prolactin

Increase & Equalizes Blood Plasma Vitamin Nutrients to Dermis & Epidermis

  • Blood Plasma Vitamins (A, B (5, 12, 100), C, D3, E, K)
  • Blood Plasma Amino Acids (21 Essential, NonEssential and Conditional)
  • Blood Plasma Anti-Oxidants
  • Blood Plasma Natural Peptides
  • Blood Plasma Nutrients into Epidermis through the Basal Membrane
  • Supports Optimal Cellular Mitosis Replication
  • Restores Health & Vitality to Skin

Initiates Collagenic Matrix Rebuilding

  • Massage Friction creates MicroInflammation
  • MicroInflammation triggers Fibroblast Secretions
  • Fibroblasts Secretion Increases Collagen Peptides
  • Fibroblasts Secretion Increases Elastin Peptides
  • Fibroblasts Secretion Increases Dermal Matrix Ground Substance
  • Fibroblasts Secretion Increases Hyaluronic Acid

Improves Skin Appearance & Functioning

  • Distributes Body’s Own Natural Hyaluronic Acid to Epi/Dermis
  • Flushes Melanin from Epidermis – Remediating HyperPigmentation
  • Balances Melanocyte Health to Reverse Hypo-Pigmentation
  • Distrbutes Oxygen for Healthy Cell Function
  • Distributes Optimized Nutritional Support of Hormones
  • Replaces Entire Epidermal Cellular Matrix with Nutrition Supoorted Healthy Cells

Proliferates Immune System Cells

  • Increases White Blood Cells (WBC) Migration
  • Distributes WBS (Leukocytes) in the Epi/Dermis
  • Leukocytes transform into Langerhans Cell Removal Cells in Epidermis
  • Langerhan Cells engulf Pathogens, then Reverse Migrate to Lymphatic System
  • Langerhan Cells assist the Proliferation of T-Cells & B-Cells Immune Response
  • Lymphocyte T-Cell & B-Cell Replication triggered by WBC and Langerhan Cells
  • Lymphocytes spread to blood but especially numerous in the Lymph Nodes


PowerDerm Treatment induces vasodilation which increases blood flow and saturates the tissue with blood nutrients in the form of oxygenation and CO2 exchange, and plasma infusion into the interstitial tissues with a prodigious supplies of nutrients.

During and After a PowerDerm Kinetic Lymphatic Massage, the interstitial fluid can now bathe all the surrounding Dermal Matrix Ground Substance with OPTIMAL NUTRIENTS and RESUPPLY NUTRIENTS to the Epidermis by way of the Dermal Papillae Nipples.


Thermoregulation is the ability of the Brain to regulate body temperature by vasodilation, increasing the caliber of blood vessels. However, it is also accomplished through physical stimulation of the temperature and circulation of the skin such as through brisk rubbing or through Kinetic Dermabrasion. An increase in blood vessel caliber and circulation is part of the process of increasing the interstitial fluid that PowerDerm treatments flush the Lymphatic Circulation System clear of blockages caused by stagnant cellular debris, hormones, toxins, etc.


Interstitial fluid (or tissue fluid) is a solution that bathes and surrounds the cells of animals. It is the main component of the extracellular fluid, which also includes plasma and transcellular fluid. 

PowerDerm Kinetic Dermabrasion with Lymphatic Drainage Massage causes a Massive exchange of plasma into interstitial fluid and into lymph, and assures 100% Optimal availability of all essential nutrients to the Dermis and to the Skin cells above it, and assures the Optimal removal of all pathogens and metabolic waste products.


Blood Capillaries are always open to the INTERSTITIAL TISSUE and to the venules that drain off excess interstitial fluid. The drainage exception occurs when the interstitial fluid contains large proteins and cellular debris that are too large for the venule side capillary openings to permit them to drain into them. Then, the draining capillaries will not be able to extrude plasma unless the lymphatic capillaries are fully functioning and draining off the large protein and metabolically  dissolved and decaying matter and fluids, along with virus’ and pathogens.


Lymphatic Capillary Openings are slightly larger in diameter than blood capillaries and have a unique structure that permits interstitial fluid to flow into them but not back out, trapping it in the process. When excess interstitial fluid accumulates and causes tissue swelling, the anchoring filaments are pulled, making the openings between cells even larger so that more fluid can flow into the lymphatic capillary. The lymphatic capillary drain into the afferent lymphatic vessels and carries the lymph into a lymph node. Normally, the blood never comes in contact with the cells and tissues in the body. The exception is when injuries or bruises bleed into the interstitial spaces. However, blood plasma nutrients do contact the cells and tissue of the body as interstitial fluid.  Interstitial fluid consists of a water solvent containing sugars, salts, fatty acids, amino acids, coenzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, vitamins, as well as waste products from the cells. 


Dermal Papillae Nipples are unique in their specific role to feed Blood Plasma – Interstitial Fluid nutrients into the Epidermis Strata layers. They are small, nipple-like structures at the intersection of the dermis and the epidermis. the papillary design provides for greater skin cell productivity on the other side of the Basal Lamina which guarantees a superabundant quantity skin cells in the keratinization process. In the surface of the skin in hands and feet, they show at the surface as Fingerprints, this appearance is actually the papillary ridges. The Epidermis gets its life supporting nutrients from the Dermis in a process called Diffusion. 


Leukocytes (L) (Immune Cells), commonly known as White Blood Cells, are involved in defending the body against infectious disease and foreign materials. They are carried through blood plasma and into interstitial fluid to the body and skin organ. Leukocytes react to pathogens or injury by producing inflammation and VASODILATION of the capillaries, releasing more leukocytes into the tissues, and stimulating the fibrocyte and fibroblast synthesis of collagen and elastin. LANGERHANS IMMUNITY CELLS Langerhans Immunity Cells are dendritic cells (antigen-presenting immune cells) of the skin and mucosa, are present in all layers of the epidermis, but are most prominent in the stratum spinosum.

They also are found in the papillary dermis, particularly around blood vessels. They can be found in other tissues, such as lymph  nodes. They are Fluidic and can migrate to the epidermis from Blood Vessels, going through the vessel walls.

When PowerDerm initiates activation, they will engulf an antigen, and drag it down into the papillary dermis and into the Lymphatics system for presentation to the T-Cells in the Lymph nodes for replication of an immunity response.  



The dermoepidermal junction  is an undulating  basement germinal membrane that adheres the epidermis to the dermis, and through which the interstitial fluids DIFFUSE nutrients and hormones into the Epidermis, and especially in support of reproduction of Basal Keratinocyte Cells that are attached to and germinate upon its surface.

PowerDerm Kinetic Dermabrasion triggers all the essential factors related to healthy cellular mitosis and healthy germination and maturation by increasing the Diffusion of abundant blood and lymphatic fluid plasma nutrients and oxygenation through the papillary dermis’ underside attachment to the basement membrane.  Equally important is the removal of excess or blocked hormones, especially MSH-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone, which is the main instigator of persistent and deep Hyperpigmentation. 


In the reproduction process, nutrients are needed from the Interstitial Fluid, for it is here that the health of this cell will create either a healthy Epidermis or a deficient and blemished one. 

PowerDerm Kinetic Dermabrasion stimulates regeneration and PowerDerm Lymphatic Massage stimulates Nutritional Support and Flushing of Stagnant toxins and hormones that degrade the health of the new Skin Cells. 


PowerDerm Treatments assist with hormonal balancing of the MSH in the tissues, vitamin and nutrient supplementation, and the overall healing process by bringing Power Circulation of Hormonally Balanced Plasma to the impaired area, which eventually brings pigmentation hormone levels of MSH and Tyrosinase, back to Normal Endocrine Levels.

Normal HYPER-Pigmentation has blocked up MSH signals and overproduction of Tyrosinase which is found inside melanosomes which are synthesized in the skin melanocytes. Melanocyte- Stimulating Hormones (collectively referred to as MSH or intermedins) are a class of peptide hormones that are produced by cells in the intermediate lobe of the pituitary gland, controlled by the Hypothalamus. They stimulate the production and release of melanin (melanogenesis) by melanocytes in skin and hair.

Blocked MSH needs to be flushed out and the tissue hormones balanced. PowerDerm Lymphatic Massage effectively flushes it, but 4 – 8 weeks of treatments are typically required. HYPO- Pigmentation, is a lack of MSH signals getting through, and is resolved by unblocking nutrient flow and restoring MSH balance in the Papillary Dermis, unless there is an underlying endocrine or immunity problem that destroys the Melanocytes on the Stratum Basal. 


Collagen VI is not meant to be in the Epidermis or Dermis Collagen Structures, it does not form part of the Dermal Collagenic Matrix, therefore, Interstitial Fluid acts as a natural solvent to this and will remove its formation by steady and persistent breakdown, decomposition, and Lymphatic  drainage. This wall of Collagen VI scar tissue will never be removed unless there are strong pumping contractions of Lymphatic Interstitial Fluid and New Cell Growth for replacement of the normal dermal matrix in the scar area. There is no magic cream or simple procedure that removes the wall tissue. Simple peeling only removes some surface image but will not remove the core damage.

PowerDerm’s Solution for Acne Scars is Kinetic Dermabrasion of the surface and edges, and Lymphatic Massage and dissolving of the scar tissue from within. 


Hyperpigmentation can show up in all Fitzpatrick levels, primarily as Pregnancy Mask. Some chemicals peels (Jessner, etc.), sandblasting microdermabrasion and lasers will spread this hyperpigmentation because of trauma effects on certain Fitzpatrick levels that are susceptible to Hyperpigmentation. Also Known as Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH).

PowerDerm Kinetic Dermabrasion/Lymphatic deals with both types, Deep Hormonal and Superficial, and they are relatively easy to fix when multiple and very frequent treatments are performed. 


Deep Hormonal Pigmentation Originates in the Dermis, and is caused when the dermis does not have a balance in nutrient supply to the Melanocyte surrounding the Basal Keratinocytes. Typical blockage is caused by Post- Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation OR by an overabundance of hormones- such as during pregnancy or puberty, and these hormones cause breakouts in the skin, but in the dermis, they have shut down interstitial fluid circulation in these areas. This shut down blocks Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH) from circulating, and it continues to signal melanocyte pigmentation production through diffusion into the basal keratinocytes in the Epidermis. This vicious cycle will not stop until the Dermis is flushed of all blocked hormones.

Two to three PowerDerm Kinetic Dermabrasion Treatments weekly over a period of 6-8 weeks will remove all deeply pigmented layers of the Epidermis as they are forced by new growth up to the surface. 


During these treatments, PowerDerm Lymphatic Drainage Massage clears all Blocked Hormones in  the Dermis. Blocked hormones, especially MSH – Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone, are flushed away and BALANCED HOMEOSTASIS LEVELS of all hormones are restored. Normal Hormonal Levels will DIFFUSE from the Dermis into the Epidermis, restoring normal Fitzpatrick pigmentation levels. Properly pigmented Melanosome levels in newly formed Keratinocytes will slowly replace all layers of the Epidermis over the recommended 6-8 weeks of multiple treatments, as the stagnant hyperpigmented  layers are removed with PowerDerm Kinetic Dermabrasion. Monthly maintenance treatments are essential in order to ensure proper lymphatic functioning and prevent the return of blocked and stagnant hormone levels and discoloration.  



The second type of discoloration is superficial hyperpigmentation. This type  of pigment resides only in the Stratum Corneum and is  observed as discoloration spots, freckles, and liver spots. From the age of 40 onward, the skin is less able to  regenerate from sun exposure, and liver spots are very common in this age group, particularly in those who spend time in the sun. Basically, the area under the spot is unable to reproduce effectively and the spot acquires aging discoloration. This type of sun damage is a cosmetic concern unless it shows characteristics of basal, squamous, actinic, or melanoma cancer. Unless a person is born with basal resident melanin freckles, the freckles are sun damage from UV-B that has destroyed the DNA of the Keratinocyte. All brown spots on hands, face, arms and body are DNA damage in the Stratum Corneum. It is important to remove this damage because damage of this type leads to Oxidative cellular stress and an increase in future potential damage.


The Stratum Corneum is generally impermeable, especially to brief encounters with water or other fluidic oils, chemicals, or Cosmeceuticals. The Exchange Of All Cellular Nutrients is accomplished by Diffusion. Diffusion is the movement of atoms or molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. Many molecules diffuse across cell membranes, such as the basal lamina. When the Corneum Barrier is removed, cosmeceuticals can gain access to the interstitial tissues by diffusion. 

PowerDerm Kinetic Dermabrasion lowers the surface barrier shield—so cosmeceuticals can be diffused effectively into the living keratinocyte cells below and into the dermal interstitial tissues. 

Glide n' Pump

PowerDerm Lymphatic Drainage  Massage